Τρίτη 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2009

Google Cash Kit Warning: Is Google Cash a scam?

Google cash kit cause great doubt if it is a catch or if it . It's every where you look, for example at social websites like Hi5, MySpace, Youtube, and it is possible that every website you go to you find some relevant ads or conversation about it. So we decided to test this offer

According to the advertisers of the system everybody even with minimum knowledge will make a steady income. Of course this sounds suspicious according to our experience. We have reviewed a long list of different programs and make money online type businesses and found that a majority of them were scams . Is there something that makes this system so different then? After a 30-day period examination of this system we have researched each aspect.

Our starting finding is that you should spend some money to invest in promoting or to go get a website up unless you are able to develop your own website. An program named Google AdSense is what will make you money. This is how the thing works: After you sign up for kit you are able to begin earning money by simply placing links of other sites on your page which in turn when clicked on will make you dollars. Each visit vary from 1cent all the way to 100$. You aren't able to find how many each link will make you until it gets clicked. Well what if you end up having some visits at 100 dollars, for example 4 or 5 clicks, there's your 500$ 24 hours.

Does it fulfill the products' promises? The answer is found in the middle. Yes being that you will make money if you really follow the steps and no it will not make you thousands a day working 1 hour a day. You will need to spend at least 3 hours every day to make the amount they promise you can really make.

Jobless Mom Makes $81/Hr Online with Google Cash kit

Unemployed Mom Makes $8,673/Month Part Time! Read her story now at http://www.TheLosAngelesJournal.com

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